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Keytrainer Ireland Ltd
Health & Safety Training
Keytrainer provide a range of Health and Safety Training Courses to meet Client requirements, both face to face or virtually, over platforms such as Teams or Zoom.
The Virtual option, may require a follow- up session, onsite.
We can also Tailor the training to cover specific topics, relevant to the client’s needs.
General Training Courses.
VDU / DSE Assessor
Manual Handling
H&S Awareness
H&S for Managers
Safety Representative
Line Manager
Risk Assessment
Confined space
Chemical Awareness
Fire Training
ERT Training
Fire Warden Training
Fire Awareness Training
Evacuation Chair Training
First Aid Training
3day FAR course
One Day Basic First Aid Course
2 Day Refresher Course
Note: if the course you want is not there, please contact us
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