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How to be comfortable and minimize occupational injury risks

The chair is the key factor in being supported in a position that allows ease of use of computer equipment.


The workstation layout

  1. Position the screen at about arms distance with the top of the screen at eye height

  2. Ensure that you can maintain a 90° angle at your elbow when using the keyboard and mouse and that the maximum reach for regularly used equipment is no more than arms distance away


Remember that the best way to minimise the impact of being seated for long periods is to break for one minute – every thirty minutes.

The chair is the key factor in being supported in a position that allows ease of use of computer equipment.


The workstation layout

  1. Position the screen at about arms distance with the top of the screen at eye height

  2. Ensure that you can maintain a 90° angle at your elbow when using the keyboard and mouse and that the maximum reach for regularly used equipment is no more than arms distance away


Remember that the best way to minimise the impact of being seated for long periods is to break for one minute – every thirty minutes.

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